Obstetrics FAQs

Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy are common and normal. The best plan for this is to eat small, frequent meals that are low in refined carbs (flour, sugar). Ginger, lemon, and peppermint can be very soothing.

Many insurance plans require that you have tried over-the-counter medicine to manage nausea and vomiting before a prescription medication will be approved. Diclegis and Bonjesta are the only FDA-approved prescription for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Other common complaint is constipation.

Complaints in the second trimester are rare. Nausea and vomiting dissipate in this trimester and your energy returns.

Headaches are a common complaint in the second trimester. A good trick for headaches is to apply a cold pack at the back of your neck (under the base of your skull) and a warm pack across the soles of your feet. Rest in a dark room this way.

There are many common complaints in the third trimester. Your baby is growing and becoming heavy.

At 31 weeks, most mothers notice an aching or a fatigue in their lower abdomen. In the final weeks of pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases – this can be mixed with thin cervical mucous or thick cervical mucous.

Feeling pressure is another common complaint. As the weeks pass and the baby settles into the pelvis, you may feel pressure.

Bleeding in small amounts and mixed with mucous is normal at term. It may be pink, red, or brown in color. Heavy bleeding, like a period, is not normal. Please call the office, as we will want to evaluate you right away.

First Trimester Bleeding – No one expects bleeding in pregnancy. The truth is, some bleeding in pregnancy is not unusual. Spotting is normal.

If you have bleeding in the first trimester that is accompanied by severe pain, please contact the office.

Second Trimester Bleeding – Light bleeding after intercourse is not uncommon and is not cause for concern. If you have bleeding like a period at any time, please contact the office.

Third Trimester Bleeding – Bleeding before 36 weeks may be preterm labor. If you have bleeding, please contact the office. If you are bleeding like a heavy period, we need to hear from you.

If you are 36 weeks or more, have mucousy bloody discharge you could be preparing for active labor.

Sometimes between 16-25 weeks of pregnancy, mothers will start feeling movements.

At first, movements will be infrequent. As your baby grows, you will feel movements more often.

It is recommended to start counting fetal movements beginning at 28 weeks once daily until you get 10 movements within two hours.

A good time to do this is 20-30 minutes after breakfast and dinner. If you are concerned about movements, eat or drink something with sugar or caffeine, lie on your side and press your hands on your belly.

If you have concerns about feeling baby movements or notice a decrease in movements, contact the office.

It’s normal to feel tired. You may even notice that you need more sleep that usual. Try to get at least 8-10 hours per night.

Try to sleep on your side to allow for maximum blood flow to baby. Lying on your back may cause your blood pressure to drop. You may also find it helpful to put a pillow behind your back and between your knees to improve comfort.

Using a jacuzzi or whirlpool bath is not recommended during the first trimester; and should be limited to 15 minutes or less in the second and third trimester with water temperature not exceeding 100 degrees.

In general, traveling is safe for uncomplicated pregnancies. We do recommend staying at home when you reach 36 weeks. When you do travel, make sure to take breaks to standup/walk around every two hours.

Your teeth and gums may be more sensitive during your pregnancy. Inform the dentist of your pregnancy. If x-rays are needed, shield your abdomen. Contact our office with any questions regarding dental care.

Yes, 30 minutes of exercise is recommended daily in uncomplicated pregnancies. This could include walking, jogging, biking, aerobics class, yoga, swimming. Drink plenty of fluids.

After 20 weeks, avoid lying flat on your back and avoid activities with a high risk of falling or trauma to your belly.

Obstetric Services

About Women Ob-Gyn is committed to providing you with high-quality care at each stage of your pregnancy, including: