Adolescent FAQs

We recommend that young women undergo their first gynecologic exam at age 12, when they become sexually active, have questions about contraception or STDs or referred by their pediatrician whichever comes first. Your first gynecologic exam does not always include a pap smear. The need for a pap smear is determined by your health history.

We welcome referrals from pediatricians who feel their patients have special needs requiring our services.

There are many laws that dictate the release of your medical information to your parents. There are also many laws which require that we receive permission from your parents in order provide you with medical care. Your information will remain completely private except where the law requires that we disclose information to your parents.

Our offices have hours outside of school especially to accommodate school aged patients, including Saturday. These appointments fill quickly; therefore, we recommend you schedule an appointment two months in advance to guarantee availability.